Backend Node.js Javascript Engineer @Breezy HR
Software Development
Salary -
Remote Location
remote United States
Job Type Full-time
Posted 3yr ago
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Backend Node.js Javascript Engineer @Breezy HR

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About The Company

Breezy HR is end-to-end recruiting software designed to optimize your recruiting process and delight your entire team. Bring everyone on board in less time (and with less hassle) with our user-friendly, feature-rich platform. Your hiring process gets a productivity boost with our unique, visual approach to pipeline management. A simple drag & drop interface means anyone (so, everyone!) on your team will be up and running in minutes, and Breezy Tasks ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

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Before You Apply
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Backend Node.js Javascript Engineer @Breezy HR
Software Development
Salary -
Remote Location
remote United States
Job Type Full-time
Posted 3yr ago
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This job listing is archived
Backend Node.js Javascript Engineer This job listing is archived