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UX/UI Designer @creable
Salary 💸 42'000 - 54'000..
Remote Location
remote Anywhere (100% ..
Job Type Full-time
Posted 2yr ago
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UX/UI Designer @creable

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About The Company
creable Building the Creator Economy

Our purpose is to build the Creator Economy.

We believe a radical disruption of the current institutions first economy is inevitable. The economy of the future will be global, meritocratic, inclusive, social, empathic, accessible and ultimately put individuals first in order to increase human well-being and decrease human suffering.

As humanity slowly starts to solve it's basic needs problems, the need for a higher purpose and creative self-expression emerges as humanity's next big problem. Enabling humanity's creativity at scale will lead to a never before seen level of global education, empathy across borders, religions, languages, cultures and start a new era of truth surfacing, explosive innovation and foster economic, cultural and technological growth.

We believe humanity's potential is limitless and our purpose is to accelerate human progress through the Creator Economy.

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Back to Remote jobs  >   Design
UX/UI Designer @creable
Salary 💸 42'000 - 54'000..
Remote Location
remote Anywhere (100% ..
Job Type Full-time
Posted 2yr ago
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This job listing is archived
UX/UI Designer This job listing is archived