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Designer @Metastate
Salary -
Remote Location
remote Preferred +/- 3..
Job Type Full-time
Posted 3yr ago
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Designer @Metastate

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About The Company
Metastate Making financial sovereignty, privacy, & secure technologies accessible for everyone.

About the company 

Metastate is a research and engineering team focused on implementing cutting-edge research from numerous disciplines (distributed systems, PLT, zero-knowledge cryptography) and deploying them to solve hard problems in the blockchain space, such as scalability, secure smart contract languages, secure randomness or privacy. In addition to the open-source R&D areas, Metastate is expanding its focus towards mainstream end-users, with the goals of making financial sovereignty, privacy-enhancing, and secure technologies as accessible for as many people as possible.

Metastate was founded in early 2019 by @adrian_brink, @awasunyin and @cwgoes, with extensive experience in the blockchain space and who previously co-founded Cryptium Labs, a security-oriented proof-of-stake validator from the Swiss Alps. 

Working at Metastate 

Metastate is a remote-first team, currently composed of cross-disciplinary researchers and engineers located around the world. Our work culture is characterized by open-allocation, where team members have a high degree of freedom and autonomy in choosing when to work, what to work on, and whom to work with. 

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Back to Remote jobs  >   Design
Designer @Metastate
Salary -
Remote Location
remote Preferred +/- 3..
Job Type Full-time
Posted 3yr ago
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This job listing is archived
Designer This job listing is archived