Customer Success Manager @GRIN Technologies, Inc.
Customer Service
Salary 💸 $65,000-$90,000
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 2yr ago
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Customer Success Manager @GRIN Technologies, Inc.

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About The Company

GRIN is the #1 influencer marketing software solution in the world. Focused on providing authenticity at scale, GRIN helps brands manage thousands of direct influencer relationships at a time, cutting out the “middleman” seen in legacy influencer networks. Advanced tools such as the world's largest database of influencers, automated email outreach and follow-up, campaign management, the industry’s leading influencer CRM, and deep analytics with sales tracking, power the influencer marketing programs of the fastest growing consumer brands in the world.

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Before You Apply
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Customer Success Manager @GRIN Technologies, Inc.
Customer Service
Salary 💸 $65,000-$90,000
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 2yr ago
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Customer Success Manager This job listing is archived